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Healthy Minds Network Writing Lab

The Healthy Minds Writing Lab will resume October 17th with a preliminary orientation session!

Please fill out our interest form before the orientation. If you have any questions, email the team at [email protected]


The goal of the Writing Lab is to encourage and facilitate the analysis and publication of data from the Healthy Minds Study (HMS) and the Healthy Minds Study for Secondary Schools (HMS2), our national surveys of student mental health.

Participation in the Writing Lab involves regular meetings where our team will provide guidance related to generating research ideas, analyzing the data, and writing academic manuscripts. 

We invite all researchers, regardless of experience, to join us! Groups formed during last year’s writing lab sessions are welcome to continue pursuing that initiative within their groups outside of monthly meetings and/or can choose to join new groups for upcoming writing lab sessions. We encourage you to review the study documents for HMS and HMS2

You can access meeting recordings and resources from our Google Drive here.

Have you published content utilizing Healthy Minds data? If so, submit your publication so it can be shared with our network.

If you have any questions, please email the team at [email protected].