Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Healthy Minds Data

We at HMN welcome the use of our data by others interested in college student mental health.

Want to cite our data?

Please use the following format:

Healthy Minds Network (year). Healthy Minds Study among Colleges and Universities, year (HMS years of data being used) [Data set]. Healthy Minds Network, University of Michigan, University of California Los Angeles, Boston University, and Wayne State University.

Interactive Data Interface

The Interactive Data Interface is an online database which houses survey data from the Healthy Minds Study. The interface allows users to explore data quickly and with ease.

Click here for Data Interface Instructions.

Data Sets & Data Requests

Starting with the 2017-2018 academic year, the public datasets now include institutional characteristics of school size, institution type, public/private, academic rank, geography, specialty, and graduation rate to allow researchers to answer research questions that look at mental health through a lens of institutional environment.

HMN is now accepting data requests. Please fill out and submit this Data Request Form to request HMS Student Survey data from the 2023-2024 academic year and/or years prior. HMS Faculty/Staff Survey data from 2023-2024 is also available.

Our team has developed this Institutional Characteristics Key as a supplement to data sets.

Any data questions can be directed to [email protected].

National Data Reports - Student Survey

Each year, the Healthy Minds Study produces an aggregate, national data report using data from all participating institutions in that given year. Each report contains means, frequencies, proportions, counts, and graphs related to key HMS measures. These reports are free and available to the public.

*For the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years, the HMS National Data Reports were divided into Fall and Winter reports.

National Data Reports -
Student survey  

National Data Report - Faculty/Staff Survey

For the first time, the Healthy Minds Study has produced an aggregate, national data report for its newer faculty/staff survey using data from all participating institutions in academic year 2023-24. The report contains means, frequencies, proportions, counts, and graphs related to key HMS measures. It is free and available to the public.

National Data Report -
Faculty/Staff survey  

HMS Questionnaires & Codebooks

Below are PDFs of each annual iteration of the Healthy Minds Study. The codebook used for survey iterations 2007-2015 are consolidated as a single PDF.
