The Healthy Minds Network is involved in a number of research initiatives, both independently and collaboratively. Here you can find a brief overview of our current studies. Click the titles or logos for more information about the study, including how to participate.
The Healthy Minds Study (HMS) is an annual web-based survey study examining mental health, service utilization, and related issues among undergraduate and graduate students. Since its national launch in 2007, HMS has been fielded at over 400 colleges and universities, with over 550,000 survey respondents.
HMS is one of the only annual surveys of college and university populations that focuses exclusively on mental health and related issues, allowing for substantial detail in this area. The study has a special emphasis on understanding service utilization and help-seeking behavior, including factors such as stigma, knowledge, and the role of peers and other potential gatekeepers. The study also allows colleges and universities to examine how mental health symptoms predict academic outcomes (GPA and retention), which is translated into an economic case for mental health services and program.
The Healthy Minds Study for Secondary Schools (HMS2) is an online survey-based study assessing the social and emotional well-being, mental health service utilization, and related factors among high school and middle school students. HMS2 offers a holistic approach to understanding students' mental, emotional, and social well-being with regard to their individual, interpersonal, and institutional context.
HMS2 reflects a collaborative effort between the Healthy Minds network and many partner organizations, notably the Jed Foundation, the Blue cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation, and the Ethel & James Flinn Foundation.
For more information, email [email protected], and be sure to click "Subscribe" at the bottom of this page to join our mailing list.
Mental Health Screening, Prevention, and Referral Program
iAIM EDU is a groundbreaking, NIH R01-funded study that aims to test whether a mobile mental health platform, compared to referral to usual care, is associated with improved uptake and symptoms.
The iAIM EDU study represents a collaborative effort by scientists and research professionals fromWashington University-School of Medicine, University of Michigan, Pennsylvania State University, Palo Alto University, and Boston University.
To learn more about iAIM EDU, including how to participate, please click the logo to the left.